Bellingham Knights Chess Club

38 წევრი
15 იან. 2016
0 ტურნირი ნათამაშები

Meet other local chess players, drink coffee, and play chess! Anyone who enjoys chess is welcome to play for challenge, fun, and improve their skill. Online chess is great, but there is no substitute for meeting new people and playing on a real chess board, so please join us if you play the game at any level and/or would like to learn.  Players can play any style of chess they mutually agree to (blitz, rapid, standard, etc.). We have a dedicated meetup that gets together at 2:00 PM every Sunday at several venues in the Bellingham area.  Each Sunday's meetup location is indicated in the Meetup calendar. Chess players are offered the opportunity to meet and play with other chess players of all skill levels who generally come from Bellingham and the surrounding Whatcom county area. These casual games are free ... just come and go within the designated hours (2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. It's FREE to join to become a member Web: Email: [email protected]
