
Not only the Grünfeld Indian Defence...

In fact, I can play almost all the standard openings. Some of them even well.

I am not Beth Harmon👩‍🦰wq.png, although occasionally I can play a game at her level.

I am a European grandmaster with a FIDE classical rating between 2600 and 2700 (not exactly 2650) and this is my unofficial account. My profile picture (a black knight) is not original, it comes from a free online database. I am playing fairly unstably, but stably fair. I am not teaching (coaching), not cheating and not chatting.

I created this account because I needed practice during the pandemic and did not want to show my games to the prospective opponents. I have two accounts on and I am also active elsewhere. That said, playing over the board remains my priority. I am using this account less nowadays, as I do not lack practice any longer. Moreover, I am not allowed to chat from an alternate account.

 I like to play against similarly rated GMs or IMs (typically with a time control 3+0, no matter whether rated or unrated). Challenges from similarly rated WGMs would also be welcome, but I haven't received any so far.tear Sorry, I am afraid of WFMs, as the last game did not end up well for me.

In fact, my favourite time control is 3+2 and I also like rapid, but in online chess I mostly set challenges for 3+0.

WARNING: Please do not leave your pawns unattended. They will be collected and I will try very hard not to give you any compensation. (Moreover, those pawns will become mine in the very next game!)

I do not like flagging in general, but occasionally make an exception, particularly when the opponent spends too much time on obvious moves. Then I might play on even in hopeless positions. In business sphere it is called an individual approach.
That said, my own time management is far from perfect and I relatively often end up losing on time.

I am not a bullet fan, as I am not on friendly terms with my mouse.

I am not good at playing with a mouse

The quickest time controls at which I am able to play reasonably well are 1+1 or 2+0, but even such games are not ideal for training purposes. 

Here are some of my coolest wins from this account:

Chess: GM_D85 vs Joshukid - 25330864087 -

Chess: GM_D85 vs igorkovalenko - 36151159515 -

These are my favourite wins in the D85 Grünfeld:

(Not so cool, but instructive. Many thanks to my dear trainers who have taught me a lot about the Grünfeld!)

And this was one of my craziest games here:

Chess: MEsserman vs GM_D85 - 68799835261 -

(White was winning after 33.Rxb7 Qxc4 34.Bb2+ Ka2 35.Ra1# and even after 33.Rb6!!? Ne2+ 34.Kh1 Bxb6 35.Ba3#.)

Feel free to enjoy my games here, but if you know my identity and want to prepare against me for an OTB event, I would like to inform you that playing through my online games might be a bigger fun than preparing against me on their basis.

Horse sincerely,
