Not increasing your rating? Trying to dwell into the fascinating secrets of 64 magical squares. Ask questions! I am Robert Aghasaryan....
Chess coach and National Master. Co-winner of the Under 2200 section of the World Open in 2017. Having recently achieved a lifelong...
Rodrigo da Silva Borges, Tricampeão Gaúcho 2010, 2015, 2022. Campeão do Regional Sul 2011 Campeão do Aberto de Passo Fundo 2010
GM Georg Meier is a popular article and video author on, known for his deep positional sense and simple explanations of...
Hi! I am Moiseenko Aleksandr, GM from Ukraine. Former European champion and twice chess Olympiad winner. My highest FIDE rating was...
International Master from Mexico
Youngest Serbian Grandmaster ever; current 2x World Juniors Bronze medalist and Pan-American Collegiate Champion contact: [email protected]