ایک شطرنج کلب تلاش کریں

Kings and Queens Chess Club
Hi to All!  We are a club with not too many members, and all of you are invited to be here. All club members are ACTIVE ones. We don't w...
UKS Baszta Wodzisław Śląski juniorzy
Klub zrzeszający juniorów z UKS Baszta Wodzisław Śląski. Napisz imię i nazwisko jak dołączasz
ChessMates usthb
"ChessMates" where every move makes a mate Welcome to our Club ! We’re thrilled to have you join our chess community! ChessMates is a chess...
Chess Unlimited
Chess Unlimited was started in 2008 as one of the earliest formed teams on chess.com. Over the years, Chess Unlimited has seen many changes and h...
Palestine Chess Club
Support Palestine palestine Chess Club: The official representative of The Arab League Championship. Are you interested in learning how to play che...
The Arizonians
For all chess players, who love to open horizons !!! 
Acropolis Of Discussion
Greetings,   This is a private club where you may discuss contentious topics not allowed to be discussed on the main site forums. We aim f...
We call ourselves the Londoneers.  Our group's logo shows our ideal setup.   This club is about the London System which is characterized by 1.d4 a...
Milwaukee Chess
Come meet up with a community of chess players to share and promote the love of the game! Play games with friendly people right here in the heart o...
Team Dominican Republic
Welcome to Team Dominican Republic "TDR Chess Club". This is a  group that represents the Dominican Republic in chess.com. We are members of The Wo...
The Delmarva Chess Club
Welcome to The Delmarva Chess Club! We usually have weekly Online Club Matches on Tuesday evenings. Pre-registration starts at 6 pm, and matches be...
The Kansas City Chess Club
You must have a Kansas City Chess Club membership to participate or join us on Chess.com. You can join the club HERE: https://www.kansascityche...
INTRODUCTION Welcome to Jujism: a club of utmost historical significance for Atomic Chess lovers who enjoy friendly chats and explosions. BOOMA! ...
Sahabat Catur Indonesia SCI
Selamat datang di Klub SCI (Sahabat Catur Indonesia). Mohon mf yang Tidak terhubung dgn group wa SCI kami hapus dari anggota club,
The Italian Game
The Italian Game, one of the best openings out there. If you agree, then keep reading! We're a club that always has events on offer, and new ideas...
Arctic Fox Union
Welcome to Arctic Fox Union!We are absolutely thrilled to have you as part of our community! Whether you're here to connect, learn, or share, Arcti...
Pan-American League
This group is devoted to fostering international team play in the Americas through an annual Pan-American League team match tournament in multiple ...
Team Australia-Adelaide SA
This club represents Adelaide in the State of South Australia. We represent the Capital city of Adelaide in the Cities World Cup, Team Match Ch...
Anna Muzychuk Fan Club
Anna Muzychuk (born February 28, 1990) is a Ukrainian chess grandmaster. She is the fourth woman, after Judit Polgar, Humpy Koneru and Hou Yifan, t...
CDX  Confederação Discord de Xadrez
Seja Bem-vindo ao nosso Grupo de Xadrez! ♟️ Você é apaixonado por xadrez ou quer aprender a jogar? Este é o lugar certo para ...
Team Slovenija
This is the group representing Slovenija in the Chess.com World League. Members can only play and represent one Country in the World League and are...
토요 아레나 클럽
토요 아레나 참가용 클럽입니다. 매주 토요일 오후 8시에 시작합니다. 사전 공지는 목요일, 시작 공지는 시작 1시간 전(시작 7분 전에 게시글 수정을 통해 스타팅 포지션 공개), 종료 공지는 종료 후 30분 뒤에 이루어집니다.