Власник золотого акаунту

Very active OTB player and tournament organizer during the 1970s. President NC Chess Association 1976-1978. President UNC Chess Club and Captain UNC Chess Team (1974-1977) - 3rd place in Pan-AM Intercollegiate 1976 (I drew Sergey Kudrin) and 1977. Directed some 40 tournaments 1974 -1978 including two NC Open and Closed Championships. Peaked at #12 rated player in NC. Last OTB rated tournament game in spring 1981 was a draw with a 2250 player.

Album promoter, writer, DJ, and non-profit arts consultant. My website

Team USA Southeast
Team USA Southeast 4 074 Користувачів
Chess Quarters
Chess Quarters 988 Користувачів
North Carolina  USA
North Carolina USA 773 Користувачів
1WL LIVE tournaments
1WL LIVE tournaments 863 Користувачів
ANONYMOUS - Demanding the Impossible
ANONYMOUS - Demanding the Impossible 1 749 Користувачів