
Learn From The Best: Komodo

Learn From The Best: Komodo

Find out why everyone fears the Komodo Dragon!

Komodo has long been one of the top chess engines in the world. They've recently released an updated version. Adding neural net technology has added around 200 points to its already impressive rating.

  • Check out the debut of the new Dragon engine!
  • Watch Komodo play in a romantic Paul Morphy style.
  • Find amazing sacrifices. Engines aren't greedy anymore!

Komodo Sacs EVERYTHING For Morphy-Style Checkmate!

Join NM Sam Copeland as he breaks down one of, if not THE MOST beautiful chess miniature of the past century in this thrilling bullet match-up between chess engines Komodo and Scorpio!
14 min
5 Erşik

Komodo's INSANE Queen Sacrifice!

Join NM Sam Copeland as he checks out this insanely beautiful game from the chess engines Komodo and Winter!
11 min
5 Erşik

Komodo CRUSHES With...Schara-Hennig Gambit?!

Join NM Sam Copeland as he checks out this awesome Computer Chess engine match up as Komodo crushes Rofchade with the von Hennig-Schara Gambit.
13 min
5 Erşik

Komodo Releases A New Dragon!

The Komodo team has released a powerful new chess engine, "Dragon" by Komodo! This engine adds NNUE technology to the already strong Komodo engine, radically increasing its strength by around 200 Elo, and making the already positional engine, "hyper-positional." Watch it squeeze Stoofvlees in an exciting Benoni Defense!
10 min
5 Erşik

Learn From The Best: Komodo

Ussatlardan oýunlar
4 sapak
48 Minut
20 Erşik
Iberilen senesi: 11/17/2020