FM Ismet Burovic Full name Ismet Burovic Born 1/1/1971 (age 54) Place of birth Federation Bosnia & Herzegovina Profiles #5459 World Ranking 2258 Classical 2277 Rapid 2303 Blitz Rating Bio Most Played Openings White Pieces Sicilian Defense (21 games) Sicilian Defense: McDonnell Attack (14 games) French Defense: King's Indian Attack (12 games) Caro-Kann Defense: Breyer Variation (10 games) Scandinavian Defense: Mieses-KotrĨ Variation (4 games) Black Pieces Queen's Pawn Opening: Rossolimo Variation (8 games) Modern Defense with 1.d4 (8 games) Caro-Kann Defense: Advance, Tal Variation (7 games) Caro-Kann Defense: Advance, Short Variation with 4.Nf3 (6 games) Caro-Kann Defense: Modern Variation (5 games) Games Players Result Moves Year Ismet Burovic (2337) Igor Iveljic (2230) 1-0 47 2019 Ismet Burovic (2337) Jure Matijevic (2026) 0-1 46 2019 Ismet Burovic (2337) Vlado Narancic (2288) ½-½ 40 2019 Ismet Burovic (2337) Atif Dumpor (2279) ½-½ 12 2019 Ismet Burovic (2321) Vahidin Omanovic (2031) 1-0 13 2018 Ismet Burovic (2321) Amir Hadzovic (2276) 1-0 28 2018 Ismet Burovic (2313) Dario Sesar (2001) 1-0 34 2018 Ismet Burovic (2313) Goran Pisarevic (2204) 1-0 44 2018 Ismet Burovic (2313) Enver Muratovic (2236) 1-0 56 2018 Ismet Burovic (2321) Halid Strinic (2113) 0-1 67 2018 Show All Games