GM Attila Groszpeter Full name Attila Groszpeter Born 1/1/1960 (age 65) Place of birth Federation Hungary Profiles #1519 World Ranking 2414 Classical 2449 Rapid Rating Bio Most Played Openings White Pieces Sicilian Defense: Open, Najdorf Variation (27 games) Sicilian Defense: Open, Classical, Richter-Rauzer Variation (19 games) Sicilian Defense: Open, Pelikán and Sveshnikov Variations (16 games) Sicilian Defense: Taimanov, Bastrikov Variation (15 games) Grünfeld Defense: Petrosian System (14 games) Black Pieces Caro-Kann Defense: Classical, Spassky Variation (30 games) King's Indian Defense: Fianchetto, Debrecen, Classical Main Line (27 games) Sicilian Defense: Open, Classical, Richter-Rauzer Variation (24 games) Sicilian Defense: Canal, Main Line (22 games) Sicilian Defense: Open, Najdorf Variation (18 games) Games Players Result Moves Year Attila Groszpeter (2441) Mark Lyell (2253) 1-0 59 2018 Attila Groszpeter (2438) Jozsef Lehocz (1949) 1-0 47 2018 Attila Groszpeter (2438) Adam Horvath (2481) 0-1 51 2018 Attila Groszpeter (2438) Viktor Vass (2262) 0-1 24 2018 Attila Groszpeter (2438) Attila Jakab (2368) ½-½ 39 2018 Attila Groszpeter (2437) Ivan Farago (2354) ½-½ 18 2018 Attila Groszpeter (2444) Mate Bagi (2446) ½-½ 20 2017 Attila Groszpeter (2444) Zoltan Ribli (2555) ½-½ 13 2017 Attila Groszpeter (2444) Zsolt Horvath (2415) ½-½ 21 2017 Attila Groszpeter (2441) Istvan Borocz (2362) ½-½ 64 2017 Show All Games