
United States Chess League will be decided today

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USCLThe final match of the United States Chess League takes place this Saturday, December 6, 2008, pitting the Western division champions, the Dallas Destiny, against the Eastern division champions, the Boston Blitz.  The match will be conducted on the Internet Chess Club, and will start at 3:00pm Eastern US time.

All US Chess League matches are four-board affairs that take place exclusively on the web. The finals are a rematch of last year's finals, which Dallas won.  After the main classical-time control match was tied at 2-2, Dallas won the exciting and innovative tiebreaking blitz match.

Board 2 might be the most highly anticipated match-up, as the players are the identical to last year -- GM Davorin Kulasevic of Dallas takes the white pieces against Jorge Sammour-Hasbun of Boston.  Last year, they contested an exciting battle that won the US Chess League's Game of the Year.

The remainder of the Boston team consists of GM Larry Christiansen, Marc Esserman, and Ilya Krasik.  Dallas' other players include IM Marko Zivanic, FM Igor Schneider, and WFM Bayaraa Zorigt.

For more information on the US Chess League, visit their website or read our article posted in October here on ChessVibes.
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