Atrodi šaha klubu

1 day per move club
Welcome to the 1 day per move club! Wanna play without opponents taking so much time that you forget your analysis and why you did your last move...
Türkiye Satranç Federasyonu
Türkiye Satranç Federasyonu Resmi Kanalı.
1 433
Ryneeboy's Chess Club Fam
This is a club for the best of clubs who dare to club with the wrath of other clubs within clubs.
4 188
Tactics and Strategy
Hi, you were chosen for the Tactics and Strategy group. We are more than 5940members and we are reinforcing all lines of play at all levels of our ...
5 946
We’re here to play chess, have fun, and run tournaments. Join us to compete, improve, and enjoy the game!
Movers Chess Club
Welcome to the MOVERS Chess Club!We make moves here, whether it's on the board, in the ring, or in life. This is the home of 2018 Chessboxing World...
Blitz Society
Au coeur de Saint Germain, le blitz society vous accueille tous les jours sauf le lundi de 15.30 à 23.30 Adresse : 4 rue du Sabot, 75006 P...
Don't Join This
Don't join. Do not ask to join. If you want to join you can request to join or send me a message to me asking to join. If you get an invite though,...
Hermandad de ajedrez
Seguramente estarás pensando: "no me quiero unir a ningún club más", pero aún así, me gustaría que le ...
Roblox guys
Hello, Welcome to Roblox Guys! This is the biggest roblox Community on! Join If you Like roblox and want to Talk with similar people! A...
Short Castle Supremacy
Short Castle Supremacy (S.C.S) is a group for those who believe short castling is the best way to play. If you love the quick and safe defense of s...
Hidden Retreat
Hi.  My club, Hidden Retreat, is somewhat unique.  Yes we offer Chess Puzzles, Club Matches, various Arenas and our Coordinators like to ...
1. SG Regental
Hello, we are reinforcing all the lines of play at all levels of our Club and you were chosen, we hope you will join our first division team, we ar...
Chess - The royal game
  The history of this club: Fan club of Hikaru was created 16.08.2024 by my cousin @kalata_king, but now he is fighting for his life, and ...
Team England Live
Team England Live is the official Live Chess team representing Team England in the Live Chess World League, Live Chess European League and all form...
3 341
Africa Chess Group
Africa Chess Group: The official representative of the World Leagues Championships. has agreed to work on the new application if you want to find o...
1 937
Team Venezuela
Hola! Te invito a formar parte de Team Venezuela, somos el grupo que representa a Venezuela en la Liga Mundial de Nos gustaria que te un...
2 854
Rockville Chess Club
Welcome to the Rockville Chess Club (RCC).  The RCC is open to everyone who lives in the DMV area that wants to play in a fun and relaxed envi...
Ajedrez práctico para todos
Stowarzyszenie Szachistów Cebularz Lublin
Klub jest dostępny TYLKO dla członków SSz Cebularz Lublin.
4teamchess International is awarding a thirty-day Diamond membership for the top 4 players in our members-only competitive events each month. , starting May 3rd, ...
UKS Baszta Wodzisław Śląski juniorzy
Klub zrzeszający juniorów z UKS Baszta Wodzisław Śląski. Napisz imię i nazwisko jak dołączasz