Rasti Šachmatų Klubą

COSP Chess Club
This is a private group for Church of Saint Paul parishioners. Please contact JPBrounstein if you would like to join! Thanks! -JPBrounstein Admin
Horus Chess
أهلا بيك فى نادى حورس .. يلا بينا نكركب الدنيا
1 039
sakura k1ngdom ツ
you have been invited to the 🩷✨ 🩷✨  sakura k1ngdom ツ ✨🩷 just in a few days we got so much memberss!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) this club is very ACT...
Yenilmez Taşlar
lütfen bukulübe katılın kulüpe katılmanızı rica olark kulübe katılmanızı rica ederiz. 👉bu kulübe katılırsanız bu kul&uum...
Algeria Chess Club
Algeria Chess Club: The official representative of The Arab League Championship. Are you interested in learning how to play chess? Would you like t...
1 393
Team Poland
Zapraszamy Wszystkich Entuzjastów Szachów. Zapewniamy swobodną atmosferę oraz pomagamy w szeroko pojętym rozwoju nie zapominając o tym, że oprócz s...
Thunk Club
Join the Thunk Club!  🧠♟️ Why should you join? 1. The Thunk Club has more than 270 members, plus a 100% activity rate!  2. We make ...
Genius Chess Centre
This is a Chess Class For Myanmar children who want to improve their Chess Skills and Knowledge.
The Empire Of Assassins
        You are invited to become part of The Empire Of Assassins!        "Out of t...
Pawns Union
Pawns around the world, united to learn, enjoy and play chess
Team Utah
This is the official club for Team Utah run by the Utah Chess Association.  We are a group representing Utah chess players. 
LHG Chess Club
Community of Lufthansa Group employees chess fans
Tortoise Chess Club
A team for 5-14 day match play.
4 304
The Anime and Manga Society
If You like Anime or interested in Anime, this is the place for you! We love to be competitive, and are very active. So please join now and help th...
Casa de Ajedrez
Welcome to Casa de Ajedrez's chess club on Chess.com. Our OTB chess club meets in the Sulphur / Lake Charles, Louisiana area. Join our team to fi...
The Atheists
All freethinkers are invited to join our group. Whether you consider yourself atheist, agnostic, secular humanist, non-theist, post-theist, natural...
2 791
Unbeatable Stars
Our club is the best and it will be the best Meet our co.owner- everyone yup all of you are the co.owners you can be free in the club   ...
Olympiackos Chess  Legion
Greetings. We are a team with daily standard  chess,960 daily chess, . We  will participate  in all major team Leagues TMCL, 1WL, KO...
super admin club
This is a club for people who join because we will make everyone super admin in this club
Greek Arena
Αμιγώς Ελληνική ομάδα. Όροι έντ&a...
UNSW Chess Club
Welcome to the Official chess.com club for the University of New South Wales Chess Club! Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on our event...
Bosnia and Herzegovina
  This is the group representing Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Chess.com World League, Chess.com European League and other tours. It is for all t...
PRO Chess League
The PRO Chess League is the world's premiere online chess league for professionals and amateurs alike! Formerly the US Chess League, the PRO Chess ...
21 081