Face revel =D
Hey guys my name is Ethan but I'm mostly referred to Ethan W. because theres another classmate I have and his name is also Ethan so yea.
I usually play on a tablet but sometimes I can get online with a computer.
I'm a twelve year old boy that lives in Canada but is actually born in Hong Kong.
I speak Canadia-I mean English, Cantonese, and a lil' French.
I looooove soccer and pineapple on pizza. Favourite player is Messi and pizza is my favourite food.
I also just recently passed my lvl 10 practical piano exam.
I also have an IQ of 121. So now you know why I'm the smartest kid in my class
So yea that's all I have to say.
(Inspired by @sharlettfranco)
Positive Stuff:
Passed lvl 10 practical exam piano
Getting better at chess
Improving at academics
Not-so-positive stuff:
Getting ignored at school
Thinking about moving schools (i dont want to)
My house is falling apart
(inspired by @TRBC-2024)
"Mama said, don't give up, it's a little complicated"
(inspired by @BasixWhiteBoy)
Hey guys, if you wanna friend me, go do it now! I'm always open for new friends.
Great friends
@BasixWhiteBoy - Friend him if you hadn't already he's the best person in otf.
@simonsowong - my dad actually
@Aust71 - my classmate (friend?)
@ilovemycatjewel and @corny - we used to have this small trio together... i don't think they both remember
@Kenny_Chess_King - my first friend I talked to and is probably my best friend in the whole chess community
@BimRed44 - he is smarter than you think
More would be added once I remember!