some of the best and worst games ive played
Dou aulas de xadrez há mais de 7 anos com experiência de dar aula para alunos de todos os níveis e idades. Rating FIDE: 2089 STD,...
Hi! I am Savíns Puertas Martín, CM from Spain Best FIDE Rating: 2202 Chess helps me disconnect from my work in university, when I...
Hello and welcome to my profile. chess club. Titled tuesday 5th place october...
I'm a qualified cookie monster(CM)
Мастер спорта Украины , Мастер Фиде
FM, FIDE 2420, USCF 2350. Two IM norms! Member of the Lithuanian National Team in 2012 Chess Olympiad in Istambul, 2013 European...
My name is Jake Banawa and I earned my Chess Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE) or World Chess...