**-her: "What are you doing instead?"-** **-him: " Beating you at chess."-** **-her: " I warned you I'd kill her."-** **-him: "Well that's great, because, you know what? As soon as my guys hear what you've done..."-** **-her: "The game will be over, your Queen'll be dead."-** **-him: "My King's still pretty... active. You know?"-** **-her: " Once the Queen is dead, the King is useless."-** **-him: " What's that about?"-** **-her: " I don't know. Maybe he's too depressed to fight. He really loved her, you know. "-**
ANGRY MOB 119 חברי מועדון
Team Rhode Island
Team Rhode Island 167 חברי מועדון
The Atheists
The Atheists 2,791 חברי מועדון
TheBlindTigers 291 חברי מועדון
The Blind Tiger All Admin Group
The Blind Tiger All Admin Group 48 חברי מועדון