Ser Arthur Dayne The Sword of the Morning
Coach with over 25 years experience.certified FIDE trainer.I'm available for the private lessons and training games with any time...
15$ por hora, paquete de 20 horas 10$ la hora. Hola mi nombre es Kemel Antonio Gallo Garcia y juego ajedrez desde los 6 años....
Hey users I am Shelev Oberoi an 18 year old NM with a peak fide rating of 2328 as well as 2 IM norms. I just started streaming...
Personal record OTB: Mating combination-11 moves
Woman FIDE Master on a journey to return to OTB chess. I am a Partner streamer on Kick, doing some fun blitz, puzzles, IRL from chess...
I'm a former professional player. I achieved FIDE Master title and best ELO rating 2336 in july 2002. I am chess coach since 1995,...
Online coaching available! Price-30$/hour About me, I am Sargis Manukyan A. ,FIDE Master from Armenia. I work in any time zone, come...