I'm a strong chess player that enjoys analyzing and sharing ideas. I am just getting back into tournament play; my hopes are to knock...
*Coach Of The Month* on chess.com, pronounced in August of 2019. https://www.chess.com/article/view/coach-of-the-month-nm-bojan-lukajic...
I have 10 years expierence in online coaching. If you are interested you can contact me on chess.com or on my e-mail : [email protected]....
If you are 1600 and under I would be more than happy to teach you. Unrated game. Three days per move or longer time limit. Set take...
Hello everyone! I am Robby Kevlishvili, a 23-year-old Dutch Grandmaster with Georgian roots. As a junior, I have participated in many...
I was born at 18th of July 1983. Live at Sombor, Serbia. I am IM and Official Fide Trainer, fide rated 2475elo. Selector and coach...
https://vk.com/urusaiurusaiurusai https://shikimori.one/FukouDa
Являюсь мастером ФИДЕ. С 2014 года преподаю шахматы в спортивной школе. Уровень от начинающих до кмс. Люблю шахматы во всех их проявления!...
САЙТ http://shahmatkanal.com ТЕЛЕГРАМ http://t.me/shahmatkanal ЮТУБ http://youtube.com/shahmatkanaltv ТВИЧ http://twitch.tv/shahmatkanal ВК...
Hello everyone! I am Marina Makropoulou from Greece, Woman Grandmaster, and FIDE Trainer. Among my best chess achievements as...
MY channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0_H9Q51J484tpLhxnFi3wQ My nonprofit website: https://www.uknightedchess.org/ DM me if...