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Avoy's VIP Club
Klub podtrzymujący tradycję corocznych turniejów świątecznych pod sztandarem szkół ŻAGLE oraz wawerskiej WSR. Organizujemy comiesięcz...
Bag End Club
If you are a fan of hobbits and all things Middle Earth, please join us for some tea, cakes, and daily chess at Bag End 🌿☕🍰🍷🍀 Bag End Club - Ches...
Chess Los Pinos
Bienvenidos a Chess Los Pinos  ♟ 🌲  Un club creado para que nuestra comunidad educativa disfrute del ajedrez.  
Royal Wallachian Chess Club
Klub pro všechny milovníky Valašska a celé Moravy, přírodních krás, kultury, památek i šachu.Pro potěchu duše a mysli slouží fotografie přírodních ...
Murder Drones Fans 4 Life
Hello!  This is a brand-new club owned by @BibleBeeWolfie, for lovers of the show Murder Drones!! If you've seen it, join!  If you're on ...
Chess Royal Castle
Greetings everyone. In this club, we will host great events and have a lot of fun If follow the rules, you will have the opportunity to become a su...
MLB Fan Club
Hello, you are here because you are associated with baseball, and  I think that it would fun if you could join this club! Come represent your team,...
Hermandad de ajedrez
Seguramente estarás pensando: "no me quiero unir a ningún club más", pero aún así, me gustaría que le ...
Team Honduras
This is the group representing ''Honduras'' in the World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Match ...
The Coffee Bean Cafe.
Welcome To The Amazing Coffee Bean Cafe. Come on in and enjoy the rich aroma and satisfying flavour of a delicious cup of coffee. The Coffee Bean C...
Romeo and Juliet
Membership is now open. Romeo and Juliet is an international club that specializes in standard Daily Chess team matches and vote chess. We play C...
Jeanius IQ Chess Club
Welcome to the Jeanius Chess Club! Jeanne streams live at!  
Chicago Style Hot Dogs
Cadre of talented actors participating in fabulous competitions, while we make friends and have fun . A world class team, for a world class ci...
Jayden fan club
Hi. This is my official fan club and everyone is welcome to join here. here are the rules: Club Rules
Chess University - Chile
Chess University Affiliate Club para los residentes de Chile quienes desean mejorar en el ajedrez. Este club sirve para ayudar a la comunidad de aj...
English Opening Lovers
This group is dedicated to the discussion and practice of all things concerning 1. c4. At the moment we concentrate on vote chess matches. We play ...
Team Nigeria
Team Nigeria strives to be a happy and welcoming place. We promote a supportive and rewarding chess environment, as well as a chance to make friend...
Uppsala SSS
Uppsala Schackcentrum Sysslomansgatan 8, 1 tr.  Mer info om Uppsala SSS hittas på hemsidan: 
Team Poland
Zapraszamy Wszystkich Entuzjastów Szachów. Zapewniamy swobodną atmosferę oraz pomagamy w szeroko pojętym rozwoju nie zapominając o tym, że oprócz s...
The Ultimate Godzz
Hello, We invite you to the place of Godzz! Welcome to club of The Ultimate Godzz, a vibrant community for chess enthusiasts of all levels! Wh...
Team Italia
Benvenuto nel Team Italia… Dal 2007 il Team Italia rappresenta ufficialmente la Repubblica Italiana nelle competizioni Nazionali ed Internazionali...
" NORTH KOREA " This is the group representing North Korea in the World League and other tours. It is for all those who would ...
Sky girls
The Club is only for girls. It's private. (internal tournaments only) Thank you. Glory to God!