

phpaeTqm8.jpegphpENdPA8.jpegphpPX2GDH.jpegBorn in Washington, DC Joined Army, served 20 years, Retired. Lived 3 years in Wiesbaden, Germany lived three years in Ansbach, Germany Live in Panama City, Panama for three years, cruised the Panama Canal, fish etc. yUnits; 1 Armor Div, 8th ID, 4 / 3d Air Cav, 508th ABN, V Body, USSouth, 5th Army, 4th SKI ID Zutspitz, Colorado SKII I play chess because I enjoy competition and find it relaxing. I have years ago, but did not play for years just started back up since October of 2010.

Southern California Team
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KNIGHTS of the REALM ১,০৪৭ জন সদস্য
Dan Heisman Learning Center
Dan Heisman Learning Center ১৭,৬৮৩ জন সদস্য
Xeque-Mate de Peão - Pawn Checkmate
Xeque-Mate de Peão - Pawn Checkmate ১২৮ জন সদস্য
NM Coach-Bill's Free Video Lessons
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