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       Facts about chess players: 

Magnus Carlsen is a Norwegian chess grandmaster and the current world chess champion. He became the youngest player to be awarded the grandmaster title at the age of 13 and has been the highest-rated player in the world since 2011. Carlsen is considered one of the greatest chess players of all time, known for his aggressive and tactical playing style. He has also contributed to the development of chess technology, including the creation of an app for learning chess called Magnus Trainer.

Anna Cramling is a Swedish chess player, born on October 10, 2003, in Stockholm. She is one of the top female chess players in Sweden and has won several championships in her career. At the age of ten, she won the Swedish U-11 Girls Championship, and since then, she has been dominating the Swedish junior chess scene. In 2016, Anna won the Swedish Women's Championship at the age of just 13, becoming one of the youngest players ever to achieve this feat. She is considered a rising star in chess, and her outstanding performance in various tournaments has been impressive. Anna's rating in September 2021 was 2375, making her the seventh-ranked woman player in Sweden. 

Hikaru Nakamura, and he is an American chess grandmaster and streamer. He is a five-time United States champion and has represented the United States in several international tournaments, including the Olympiad and World Team Chess Championship. Nakamura is known for his quick and aggressive playing style and is a popular figure in the online chess community, where he frequently streams his games on platforms such as Twitch.

Bobby Fischer was an American chess grandmaster who was considered one of the greatest chess players of all time. He was born in 1943 and became the youngest player to win the United States Championship in 1957, at the age of 14. Fischer was known for his exceptional chess abilities, including his masterful endgame and tactical skills. He won many notable tournaments throughout his career, including the Candidates Tournament and the World Chess Championship. Unfortunately, he also became known for his controversial and erratic behavior later in life.  

Gotham Chess is the online identity and chess personality of Levy Rozman. He is a Twitch streamer, a YouTuber, and a well-known chess coach. Rozman started gaining popularity on social media due to his engaging and entertaining chess commentary on games, tactics, and strategies. He provides chess lessons, game analysis, and tournament coverage through his Twitch and YouTube channels, where he has a significant following. Rozman has also coached several famous chess players, including Hikaru Nakamura, one of the world's best chess players. He is regarded as one of the most influential chess personalities in the online community today. 

Anish Giri is a Dutch chess grandmaster who was born on June 28, 1994, in St. Petersburg, Russia. He learned chess at an early age from his father and quickly emerged as a prodigious talent. At the age of 14, he won the Dutch U-16 Championship and later became the youngest player ever to reach the title of International Grandmaster at the age of 14 years, 7 months, and 2 days. Giri has won several championships throughout his career, including the Dutch Chess Championship and the Tata Steel Chess Tournament. As of September 2021, he has a rating of 2776, making him one of the top chess players in the world. 

Ding Liren is a Chinese chess grandmaster born on October 24, 1992, in Wenzhou, China. He learned chess at the age of six and quickly became one of China's most promising chess talents. In 2005, at the age of 13, he became the youngest-ever player to win China's national Chess Championship. Ding has won several other titles throughout his career, including the Chinese Chess Championship five times and the prestigious Shenzhen Masters tournament. In 2015, Ding achieved the Grandmaster title, becoming the first Chinese player to reach a rating of 2800 and was ranked as one of the top ten chess players in the world. As of September 2021, his rating is 2728, making him the number one chess player in China. Ding Liren also won the FIDE world championship making it the first for China. 

he Botez sisters are two Canadian chess players, Alexandra Botez and Andrea Botez, who are known for their online chess streaming and commentary. They began playing chess at a young age and have since become successful competitors, winning several national and international titles. However, they are most famous for their Twitch channel, where they stream their chess matches, provide commentary, and chat with their followers. Their channel has gained a large following, and they have been credited with helping to make chess more accessible and popular among younger audiences. both have ADHD. 

Eric Rosen is an American chess player and coach. He has been playing chess since he was five years old and has since become a successful competitor, achieving the title of National Master in 2011. He is known for his online chess streaming and instructional videos, which have gained him a large following on platforms such as Twitch and YouTube. Rosen is also a chess coach and has worked with students of all skill levels, from beginner to advanced. He is considered to be one of the most popular and influential chess streamers in the United States. 

Tani is a young chess prodigy and one of the fastest-growing chess kids in the world. He is originally from Nigeria and gained international attention after winning the New York State chess championship for kindergarten through third grade in 2018. He and his family were also featured in a book, "My Name Is Tani...And I Believe in Miracles," which details their journey as refugees from Nigeria. Tani's incredible talent and charming personality have earned him a large following on social media, and he has become an inspiration to many young chess players around the world. 

Wesley So is a highly accomplished Filipino-American chess grandmaster. He won the Philippines Chess Championship at the age of 9 and earned the title of "Grandmaster" at the age of 14. Since then, he has won numerous international tournaments, including the Bilbao Masters, the Sinquefield Cup, and the Norway Chess tournament. He has represented the Philippines in many international competitions but now represents the United States, where he resides. As of August 2021, So is ranked as the world's No. 9 player in classical chess and No. 2 in Rapid chess. 

Fabiano Caruana, an American-Italian chess Grandmaster. He is ranked #3 in the world as of August 2021 and has competed in multiple World Chess Championships, including narrowly losing a 12-game match against Norwegian Magnus Carlsen in 2018. In 2014, he became the third highest-ranked player in history with a rating of 2844. Caruana has also won numerous prestigious tournaments including the Sinquefield Cup, the London Chess Classic, and the Tata Steel Masters. 

Platon Galperin is a Ukrainian chess Grandmaster who was born on February 7, 1987. He is known for his aggressive playing style and tactical skills. Galperin won the Ukrainian Junior Chess Championship in 2003 and the gold medal at the European Youth Chess Championship in the U18 category in 2005. He earned his Grandmaster title in 2012 after representing Ukraine in several international chess tournaments. Galperin has also authored several articles on chess theory and tactics. He is a chess coach and has trained several promising young players in Ukraine over the years. Galperin's highest FIDE rating was 2544, which he achieved in 2015.




ヒカル・ナカムラは、アメリカのチェスグランドマスターであり、ストリーマーです。彼は5回米国チャンピオンに輝き、オリンピックや世界チームチェス選手権を含むいくつかの国際トーナメントで米国を代表してきました。ナカムラは、素早くアグレッシブなプレイスタイルで知られ、オンラインチェスコミュニティで人気のある人物であり、Twitchなどのプラットフォームで頻繁にゲームをストリーミングしています。ボビー・フィッシャーは、史上最高のチェスプレイヤーの一人とされるアメリカのチェスグランドマスターでした。1943年に生まれ、1957年に14歳で米国選手権で優勝した最年少のプレイヤーになりました。フィッシャーは、卓越した終盤戦と戦術スキルを含む並外れたチェスの能力で知られていました。候補者トーナメントや世界チェス選手権など、キャリアを通じて多くの有名なトーナメントで優勝しました。残念ながら、彼は晩年、物議を醸す不安定な行動でも知られるようになりました。ゴッサムチェスは、レヴィ・ロズマンのオンラインアイデンティティであり、チェスのパーソナリティです。彼はTwitchストリーマー、YouTuber、有名なチェスコーチです。ロズマンは、ゲーム、戦術、戦略に関する魅力的で面白いチェスの解説により、ソーシャルメディアで人気を集め始めました。彼は、Twitch と YouTube のチャンネルを通じてチェスのレッスン、ゲーム分析、トーナメントの報道を行っており、多くのフォロワーを抱えています。ロズマンは、世界最高のチェス プレイヤーの 1 人であるヒカル ナカムラを含む、有名なチェス プレイヤーを指導してきました。彼は、今日のオンライン コミュニティで最も影響力のあるチェス パーソナリティの 1 人と見なされています。

アニッシュ ギリは、1994 年 6 月 28 日にロシアのサンクトペテルブルクで生まれたオランダのチェス グランドマスターです。彼は幼い頃に父親からチェスを学び、すぐに天才として頭角を現しました。14 歳のとき、彼はオランダの U-16 選手権で優勝し、その後、14 歳 7 か月 2 日で史上最年少の国際グランドマスターの称号を獲得しました。ギリは、オランダ チェス選手権やタタ スティール チェス トーナメントなど、キャリアを通じていくつかの選手権で優勝しています。 2021年9月現在、彼のレーティングは2776で、世界でもトップクラスのチェスプレイヤーの一人です。 丁立仁は、1992年10月24日に中国の温州で生まれた中国のチェスグランドマスターです。6歳でチェスを学び、すぐに中国で最も有望なチェスの才能の一人になりました。2005年、13歳で、中国の全国チェス選手権で史上最年少の優勝者になりました。丁は、中国チェス選手権で5回優勝し、権威ある深センマスターズトーナメントを含む、キャリアを通じていくつかのタイトルを獲得しています。2015年、丁はグランドマスターのタイトルを獲得し、レーティング2800に到達した最初の中国人プレイヤーとなり、世界のトップ10チェスプレイヤーの一人にランクされました。2021年9月現在、彼のレーティングは2728で、中国でナンバーワンのチェスプレイヤーです。丁立仁選手はFIDE世界選手権でも優勝し、中国にとって初の優勝となった。





ファビアーノ・カルアナ、アメリカ系イタリア人のチェスグランドマスター。 2021年8月現在、世界ランキング3位で、2018年にノルウェーのマグヌス・カールセンとの12ゲームの試合で惜敗するなど、複数の世界チェス選手権に出場しています。2014年には、レーティング2844で史上3番目に高いランクのプレーヤーになりました。カルアナは、シンクフィールドカップ、ロンドンチェスクラシック、タタスチールマスターズなど、数多くの権威あるトーナメントでも優勝しています。

プラトン・ガルペリンは、1987年2月7日生まれのウクライナのチェスグランドマスターです。彼は攻撃的なプレイスタイルと戦術的なスキルで知られています。ガルペリンは、2003年にウクライナジュニアチェス選手権で優勝し、2005年にはヨーロッパユースチェス選手権のU18カテゴリーで金メダルを獲得しました。彼は、いくつかの国際チェストーナメントでウクライナを代表した後、2012年にグランドマスターのタイトルを獲得しました。ガルペリン氏はチェスの理論と戦術に関する記事もいくつか執筆しています。彼はチェスのコーチでもあり、長年にわたりウクライナで有望な若手選手を何人も指導してきました。ガルペリン氏の最高 FIDE レーティングは 2015 年に達成した 2544 です。





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