
Champion Tactics with GM Wolff - In Between Moves

Champion Tactics with GM Wolff - In Between Moves

Learn about in between moves from a national champion!

GM Patrick Wolff, a two-time US Champion, is back with another series of educational tactics! An in-between move (also known as zwischenzug) is one that is made unexpectedly in the midst of a sequence of moves. But not just any series of moves, one in which the player falling for the zwischenzug feels the sequence is forced, while his opponent demonstrates to him that it certainly isn't! Most commonly these fall in between trades where a recapture seems to be the only proper means of play. Start using Zwischenzugs in your own games today!

Here is what you will learn:

  • How to set up a zwischenzug!
  • How to avoid devastating in-between moves!
  • How to start using zwischenzugs like a champion!
2 تحديان
3 تحديات
4 تحديات

Lesson 4

Black to play.
2 تحديان
2 تحديان

Lesson 6

Champion Tactics with GM Wolff.
5 تحديات
3 تحديات
4 تحديات
3 تحديات
2 تحديان
3 تحديات

Lesson 12

Black to play.
3 تحديات
3 تحديات

Champion Tactics with GM Wolff - In Between Moves

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نشر في 3/13/2008